ThriftBooks: New & Used Books MODDED 2022


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The ThriftBooks app lets book lovers quickly and easily search, browse, get book details, and buy millions of books, textbooks, and graphic novels. Scan bar codes to compare prices and check availability to make sure you get the best book prices. Shop ThriftBooks Deals to get 10% off on more than 150,000 items every day. Join ReadingRewards to earn a FREE BOOK for every 500 points you earn. See personalized recommendations based on your interests and get an instant email notification when we receive an item on your wish list.

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40 comentarios en "ThriftBooks: New & Used Books MODDED 2022"

  1. It’s essentially a used book store. The books are obviously used but there are options to choose from, some have the options of like new, very good, good, acceptable and new. Some have the options of getting them in hardcover, paperback, mass market paperback and even leather bound (haven’t seen a lot, but mostly for collectables). Over all if you don’t mind buying used books then you’ll love this, but be advised some books may be in better conditions than others they are used after all.

  2. Love this app. Sometimes trying to search for something can be a little difficult, BUT amazing prices/sales and fantastic shipping times (for free! if applicable). Bought over 20 books and it was barely over $100. New or used, great selection; and I’ve never had an unacceptable condition of a book delivered. Even found a beautiful copy of the complete collections of Jane Austin. Suck it Amazon, ThriftBooks can take all my money.

  3. Most of the books I’ve ordered are in very poor condition. This app may be okay if you are seeking “reader” copies, but beware if you are searching for collectable copies. Also the “list price” is somewhat deceptive, especially on text books. You may not get the edition you ordered. I will be moving on to another used bookseller after leaving this review. I just received a hardcover Princess of Mars and not only was it a book club edition with missing pages.

  4. Matt T dice:

    I’ve purchased quite a few books and they all but one arrived in the condition i asked for and quickly too! I got one textbook which upon every turn the pages sort of broke loose from its binding, its not much of a nuisance to me even though i did ask for a very good condition textbook. Overall i just love the convenience and deals they offer and the ease of finding a genre you’d like to explore. I’ll definitely be back for more books! Thanks

  5. Most impressive! The prices are amazing! Free Shipping with orders over $10.00! That is unheard of! The books I have ordered have always been in good shape. I recommend this app to all of my friends. The app is easy to use and it keeps track of my wish list even when it’s been a year in between orders. I have lost many books over the years and I have been able to replace most of them with ease using this app. I’ve replaced books that we’re written in the ’70’s and ’80’s! I love ThriftBooks! : )

  6. I wish they displayed an image of the product you’re getting. So far I’ve bought 3 books in “good” quality. They have arrived with the cover insanely bent, stickers on them, and more. I had one with a elementary school sticker on it and unremovable plastic covering it. It was also covered in marker and the cover itself was split in half. Another issue is that the sticker they put on it sometimes damages the books when you try to take it off. Other than this I’m very happy to get books so cheap.

  7. Max F. dice:

    I really love thriftbooks but I wish both the website and app were more user friendly. I like browsing for books. The app has an issue where books are blurry and stretched. The books are hard to browse and lead you back to the main page The website is better but both need a major update so it is easier to browse and navigate through pages. I like the selection and quality of books though.

  8. I give the service of thriftbooks 5/5- Some of my books did not arrive and their team was quick to resolve my issue! The app can be a little wiggy, do some basic troubleshooting and it’ll work just fine though. Excellent selection and functionality. It’s a book lovers dream. Do expect to wait a week or two for your books, unless you pay for expedited shipping. That’s a tad pricey though. Thriftbooks helped me find a lot of works that have been eluding me though. Love it!

  9. The app works fine. I’ve only ordered books from this site once. Books came pretty quickly, but they were completely wrong. Not even close. I got picture books when I ordered specific short stories. I contacted customer service immediately, and still have not heard back after several days. I am VERY hesitant to order more books. I’ll probably just support another book store. Good thing I paid with a service where I can request my money back. Can’t even get the genera right.

  10. I discovered thrift books recently while trying to find a book I’ve been wanting. I could find digital copies, but I wanted a copy of an actual book. Call me old fashioned, but I prefer holding books and turning pages, not reading from a screen. The selection is insane! I found exactly what I wanted, plus several others, as well as titles in that genre I never knew about! I just put in my first order but I’m already planning my next.

  11. Thrift books is amazing. They have almost every book you could want and their customer service is great. I accidentally sent my books my old address and wasn’t able to get in touch with USPS in time to fix it, it was completely my mistake. I also contacted Thrift books to see if there was anything I could do and they ended up reimbursing me for the book and giving me back my free book as well. Great company and I will continue to support them. The app works great as well, no issues so far.

  12. Excellent service, excellent books. Whatever condition you want inexpensive you can find here. I’ve never had a problem. I buy in satisfory condition and they look to me except for the binder, almost new. You can be put on a waiting list if your book is out and of course a wish list. PLUS, they have great discounts when you buy multiple books.

  13. Kim Bell dice:

    Great for searching & buying books. Needs a few improvements. I’d like to set my preferred filters (paperbacks & mass market pbs in Very Good or Good condition) & not have to set it for each search – at least keep the filters options open until I’ve selected all of my choices! It closes each time you select one! And I can’t search if I’m in my Cart. It just jumps down to the promo code box and won’t do the search,just a little glitch. Otherwise I enjoy the app and tge rewards program too!

  14. Thriftbooks is awesome and nearly perfect. However there are some issues which make searching for titles difficult. I think there should be a way to filter the search for only technical books (books which have a graduate or undergraduate treatment of university level material). There are quite a few technical books which would be impossible to just stumble upon as when searching for these topics one usually gets more popular results which don’t really delve into the material on a detailed level.

  15. I have been using ThriftBooks for years and I cannot recommend it more. It’s great for buying cheap used books that are still in good condition. They have text books too! My text books were gonna cost me $85 and with Thrift books they cost $26, including shipping. Also, the app is very easy to use, you can search for books by genre, isbn, and title/author.

  16. I love thrift books! The app tells you the condition and binding of the books. Not just hardback or paperback. This makes it easy to shop. In my experience, the condition errs on the side of caution. Acceptable in the app is always going to be better than acceptable on eBay. In addition, you can see what edition the books are. Although I’m not a collector of first editions, they are listed as well. It’s also been easy to keep track of and use my rewards.

  17. I find no way to search fo a specific title. To the right of the search box, where the “Search” button is on the website, there is a barcode symbol on the app. This is useless as I don’t very often search for books that I already have. A pressing the “Enter” key on my device does nothing, very efficiently. Looks like advertising book for sale was the primary purpose of this app; not letting customers choose what they would like to by. Pretty disappointing.

  18. If only my books wouldn’t disappear….several times I have browsed, added, and had to come back to what I was doing the next day, only to find that ALL of the books I had recently added were no longer in my cart. It’s especially frustrating when I go down “rabbit holes” and don’t have a physical list of the books I wanted. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING. If you can fix that, 5 stars for sure. But my gawd that’s annoying.

  19. The pricing is great but I have ordered hard cover or library bindings and still receive paperback… and ive paid extra for the hardcover. And they don’t seem to know the difference of conditions. I paid extra for good condition but what I got what a book with the cover ripped up and half the pages folded. But the book labeled as exceptional was used but prime condition. There is no consistency with their conditions. So if you dont care about that, good app. Decent pricing.

  20. If you are looking for good quality books at great prices…Then Thrift Books is for you. I have long time shopped around for books at used bookstores and Thrift Shops because they are cheaper and help people. It is also “green” as the book is reused after being discarded…So, now to the App – GREAT! It is easy to use and it is intuitive. Do yourself a favor and get the app, shop, and save. Plus, you can get free shipping if you spend enough money – can’t beat that!

  21. I absolutely love this app/website!! The books are affordable, and the condition of the books are great (even the ones labeled “acceptable”). You get your books within the time frame they promise, and it’s free shipping if you spend $10 or more, which is awesome! (Even if you do have to pay shipping, its only $0.99!) You also earn points with each ourchase, and once you hit a certain amount, you get a free book (thats $5 or under)!! I cant say how much I have come to love ThriftBooks!

  22. I’m about to go off. I can not tell you how much I love this app! The company itself is amazing. They are super helpful, you get free shipping at a low price, and it makes getting thrift books so much easier and more accessible. Shipping is fast and they save so many books from just being trashed or wasting away which is super important! Thank you thrift books! The site is easy to navigate and they have a lot of promotional codes and coupons! It’s great!

  23. I ran across this app on the website which I found, by accident, after watching a movie and wondered if a novel had been written. Novels always give more to the story. So I found the book and ordered some more that they suggested! Super excited, I was able to find books for other family members in an instant and the savings are amazing. Love the fact that they are slightly used and give you options. Ordering was simple and I got a discount. Thank you!!!

  24. I have bought over 50 books from Thriftbooks and I will continue to always buy from Thriftbooks. They have amazing customer service, fast shipping, and excellent quality merchandise. My books are always exactly as described, and only once have I ever had a small problem….I called customer service and my issue was resolved immediately. They provide a massive variety of genres, and with the free shipping over 10$, I find myself ordering from them about 4-6 times a month. Love Them!!

  25. sana c dice:

    Never had a problem with any books I’ve ordered, new or used. They’ve always been in good condition. However, if you decide to order movies be sure to order them new. The movies I ordered all work but the cases for two of the discs were broken, and the third wasn’t the right movie in the case. (Although, I did enjoy the wrong movie anyway).

  26. I love that I can find the books I’ve been wanting without breaking the bank. Every book I’ve ordered looks great, even the used books look brand new. I keep telling all of my fellow book lovers about this app. I highly recommend thrift books. Their movies are in great condition too. If you are on the fence about downloading this app, don’t be. It’s so worth it!!!

  27. You can typically find what you want at a good price, but don’t count on the condition being rated correctly at all. Feel free to ignore their rating system all together as almost all of my “like new” items are delivered pretty significantly damaged. Still worth it if you don’t care about condition!

  28. Super reliable, consistent, and good quality! The book rankings (New, very good, good, acceptable, etc) are very accurate. I’ve ordered so many books from them and I will continue to because each order was shipped quickly and I’ve never had a bad experience with them. Highly Reccomended!

  29. Love this place! I’ve gotten so many great deals here! I’ve recieved a wrong order a few times, and its not uncommon that the app won’t update pages when a click link(about 1 out of every 3 times I use the app), but its a minor con compared to the pros I get from this, and their customer service has been amazing; they’ve corrected my issue every single time without hesitation.

  30. I am tired of paying new book prices for books 30+ years old. I used the app and found the older books I wanted with no trouble. Into my cart, paid for, and noted on my calendar to follow up in six weeks. I had them sometime between 4-7 days; no one told me they were here. I will definitely be using this app again when looking for older books.

  31. Izzy W dice:

    I would’ve given five stars but in recent months, I’ve ordered and received books that seem like they were published on the black market; typos, extremely small print, blurry text, words running into the spine of the book so they’re unreadable (throughout the entire book.) When I buy a used book, I don’t expect mint condition, but do expect readable condition. I will plan to double check the editions prior to order from here on out but even that’s kind of sad.

  32. My books are right up there on my favorite things list. Sadly enough, 3 large boxes of books got lost in the move. While heart broken…I have been able to replace 5 or 6 at a time with ThriftBooks! I had spent a fortune building my library. And now I just don’t have the money to replace all those books. But I have been able to get ‘like new’ copies for $4! And they look brand new! You’ll love this site!

  33. My favorite go to store for any book I’m searching for as well as recommended books. Always find what I’m looking for (I’ve bought several dozens of books, and even receive a free book with more purchases!) and condition of books are as expected, with choices (if available) from hardcover/paperback, and from fair to new condition. Website is easy to navigate.

  34. This is a great app and store. It almost always has what I am looking for and at great prices. There has only been a few times when they didn’t have something but they notified when it was available. Plus the customer service is exceptional!! Every book you buy earns you points towards a free book, I love that!!!! 💜👍🏻👍🏻

  35. I have used thriftbooks for quite some time but honestly it seems to be going downhill. More and more frequently I am sent books that do not match the condition/quality/or cover type I have specifically selected and paid extra for…. I will pay for very good condition or like new condition and consistently receive books that are ripped up or are heavily marked and highlighted inside. Also their plastic bag packaging makes it very easy for books to be damaged in transit so be mindful of that.

  36. Please make the selection and set up of wish lists easier. Currently you cannot choose which wishlist you want to add an item to. You are only given the ability to add an item to the default list only. You must go back in each time and switch the default wishlist to another choice if you would like to toggle between wishlists for each item. This is silly. Please correct this malfunction.

  37. Jeny Bird dice:

    App is OK. Use to search for titles, locate editions & add to lists. The website is often easier to filter or purchase, but I like the functionality of the app to search for books & shop, prior to check out. Primarily use to add titles to my cart & wishlists. Wish the app would link to the enrolled email updates and notifications.

  38. I have been ordering from thriftbooks for a couple of years now as I get some very good prices and occasionally a free book. The selection is hit and miss but I have come to find out lately the customer service is superb. recently the post office has failed to deliver some books I had ordered. I emailed thriftbooks customer service and today I had a refund for all three books in my account. above and beyond, yes thriftbooks is a great company and I recommend it to all avid readers. thanks

  39. Nikki S dice:

    Very happy with ThriftBooks. First, I was able to find old books I loved as a child, some of which are no longer in circulation. Second, the books are in great condition. Third, they went above and beyond in resolving my issue. I got a bit scared as my order took a while to get delivered (understandable since I’m in a different country, but this was my first online purchase with them and was paranoid I might’ve gotten scammed). But ThriftBooks is legit and my lil bookworm girl heart is happy.:)

  40. I love having access to less expensive books. I’m an elementary teacher who is constantly looking for more books to add to my classroom library. App is super easy to use. And you even earn FREE books! Amazing find! Highly recommended!

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