Planta – Care for your plants MODDED


Never kill a plant again! Individual care schedule and reminders for your plants
4.5/5 Votos: 10,324
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Join 2 million users and 8 million plants on the journey to keep plants alive!
Let Planta help you to get impressive, thriving plants:

– Smart Care Reminders
Are you not sure when it’s time to water your plants? Planta knows when! Based on what plant, where in the world, weather, light in the room and more. Just add them to the app and get notified when it’s time to water, fertilize, mist, clean (yes, it’s a thing) and repot!

– Step by step guides
Do you love plants but lack a green thumb? If so, you can use the easy, step by step care-instructions on how to care for your green friends. 2 million users keeping their plants alive every week!

– Light meter will help you find plants for every corner of your home
Would you like to put a plant in a bathroom without windows?
Some plants prefer shade and some are sun-lovers. Get to know which plants are suitable in your home based on the different light conditions of your rooms. 8 million plants have already found their spot in their home!

– Plant recommendations – based on your skill
Let Planta know how skilled and committed you are to plant care to get recommendations based on you. And yes, you will be able to grow more than a cactus!

– Plant identification
Maybe you are not sure which plant you have? You can just take a picture of it and we will instantly let you know. With Plantas plant scanner you can scan all your house plants to find out the plants name and how to care for them.

– All the info – just to be sure
Perhaps you are good at caring for plants, but you just want to make sure you are doing everything right. Find out everything you need to know about what your green companions prefer!

– Plant Journal
Follow both your and your plants progress! Are your thumb getting any greener? Add photos and short texts about your plants to see how they grow, remember when they flowered or just keep track of them. Keeping a plant journal is a perfect way to see if your plant likes how you treat them!


Support for grow lights and dark mode.


40 comentarios en "Planta – Care for your plants MODDED"

  1. Edit: Changing my 3 stars to 4 – Thank you Planta team for the fast update! I can load pictures again 🙂 The Edit tab is still hidden, but that can be fixed later! Since the latest, update I can no longer upload pictures 🙁 I’m stuck in an endless “Please wait…” loading page. Plus, when on the Care schedule tab, the Edit tab all the way towards the bottom has its text hidden and only shows as a green oval. If I didn’t remember that that was the Edit button, I’d not be able to tell!

  2. This does tell me a watering schedule, but this app isn’t good at enforcing my behavior. Notifications don’t seem to clear themselves when I do the task, and new notifications seem to pop at a random time. The effect is that I am always behind on a task, and there is no rush because there will always be a task. This feels like a good tool that’s isn’t good enough for its job.

  3. Mistress dice:

    I like the app for it’s information, but I find that the watering schedule is far too often. It tells me to water my outside plants the day after two days rainfall even though it says it adjusts to weather conditions in my area. 9/10x I need to snooze multiple times because my plants don’t need water. If I followed this app’s recommendation for watering I would have root rot for sure. My instincts and chopstick method is far more accurate, but it is a good place to keep track of your plants.

  4. Clayton S dice:

    Good enough so far. I appreciate all the work that seems to have gone into making this app. It is just shy of five stars, however. A couple of features that would set it way beyond the competition are: ] An option to select artificial (full spectrum) light as a source. Including the ability to set the intensity and duration. ] A better UI for the plant identification by camera. Including an option to save the picture. ] A guide to identify specific species within a genus (especially w/ferns!)

  5. I only find it useful in reminding me to water my plants. The plant identifier is pretty worthless. You take a picture and it brings up plants that look nothing like what you took a picture of. The diagnosis feature isn’t much help either. Wish I would not have purchased the subscription. I know there are better apps. I will keep looking.

  6. It’s a great app for keeping track of a watering schedule, but I wish there were a few more features to cover all of my plant needs. I really want more ways to track treating sick plants, more care information on each plant, and propagating. I just started using the app and noticed some of my plants are going too long between waterings, but I hope it evens out soon or I’ll have to resort to a custom watering schedule.

  7. So far, I like this app very much. Been using it for about a month, plants are doing well, even better tham they were. It correctly identified all my plants on the first try by picture, seems to be helping me water more judiciously, and is pretty unobtrusive on my phone. Just a single notification in my drop down bar if I have a task that day. It also seems to have correctly identified a sickness in one plant and is helping to keep it alive. Great for an amateur enthusiast like me.

  8. I have been using this app for for almost a year. It is a great guide for watering my plants. My main complaint is when I can’t enter in a plant because the app does not recognize it. I have made suggestions with actual pictures from Google and the plant is never added. Today is the third plant I have not been able enter. It is very frustrating.

  9. Good app, not always ready to be watered. I have messed around with the soils to adjust the days. Example: My hoyas I put cactus soil to extend the day to be watered. Recently I have noticed it alerts me to water plants but you go to that plant and I still have 10 days left. It’s not registering that I have watered it and keeps it on the task list. Never did this before till the last week or so. I have updated the app to the latest version, too.

  10. The reason I give it 5 stars is because of how much the developers put into this app over time. They have been very attentive to the user community and have brought on a ton of new features over the years. No app will be perfect; plants are living things not predictable machines. It’s a great tool, but a little plant (and soil moisture) knowledge goes a long way. They give you skip or wait options for this reason. In general, succulent=dry almost completely, tropical= dry top inch of soil.

  11. pink lady dice:

    I really love this app. I’ve always had a green thumb, but could never keep miniature rose bushes alive. This app helped me understand what I needed to do differently. It also helps me remember where I am in the watering phase of all my different plants. The only suggestion I have is to make the app where I can adjust the date when I click on “task complete” with watering. Sometimes I forget to click that I completed it and I end up off cycle. So if I could adjust the date it would be helpful.

  12. I’ve been using the app for several months now, and absolutely love it. I was quite excited to see the new features added, but wanted to update my review to offer some suggestions: I feel that watering schedules would be even more accurate if the database allowed the user to choose WHICH window it sits closest to. (i.e. 0ft from a North window is much different lighting than 0ft from a South window.) And I have some plants that go dormant in winter, so it would be nice to have a dormancy option

  13. Megan S dice:

    Exactly what I needed, and so helpful, since I have 30+ plants, to keep them organized and to give me an idea how often to water plants I’m less familiar with. However, I wish the free version would let me set up other routine reminders. And I also want to 2nd what another reviewer said about adding an artificial light option. I have grow lights for when my outdoor plants are in for the winter.

  14. Fantastic app! Great for anyone forgetful or inconsistent. I used to kill my houseplants all the time and since subscribing all my plants are thriving! (I’ve subscribed for 2 years). Overall would recommend! I also tried all the other apps and this was by far the best. In an earlier review I mentioned that I wish you could record watering plants ahead of time, say you’re going out of town. They replied that you can do that! Great! That was the feature I was hoping for.

  15. Great guidance for newbies. I love getting the reminders and also like having the plant care information easily available. Would love to see a chart with how often I’m watering each plant so it’s easier to customize my routine. I think that would make it easier to transition from the pre-set recommendations to a customized one.

  16. I adore this app! I do wish they had an option to point out if the plant is under a grow light or not for the “too dark” locations. The premium option is also plastered everywhere on the app which is a bit annoying for you’ll always have a reminder to get it. Otherwise, for the free version, its incredibly helpful for keeping track of all of your plants and the interface is really easy to use.

  17. Free version is decent though I’m sure the paid version would be much better. Having to go through a reoccurring paywall is not ideal for many users. I’m no stranger to paying for apps but only when I’ve felt the value was worth it & not subscription-based. While I can see the tremendous amount of work the team puts into this app, I think a fair price for the full version should be around $12.99 as I’ve paid less for more complicated apps. A one-time fee is greatly accessible & would sell more.

  18. I wanted to love this app, but I was a bit disappointed. No free trial, so I paid without testing. Couldn’t identity all of my houseplants by photo, but eventually found it by text search, and sifting through all the user-submitted entries was a bit tedious. Disappointingly, after a few weeks, I never found “troubleshooting” for the plants, but I’m told it was in the app. I don’t mind paying for apps at all, but I think it needs some work (and a trial period!) before I would reconsider.

  19. 2nd review: You can change your watering time schedules, it’s just in a strange spot (the cog in the upper right corner, like app settings). I’ve tried a few other apps to do water scheduling and they’re generally more annoying to use. I’ve given this 4 stars now, for being able to customize water times (first complaint) and how it compares to other similar apps. I still find the subscription messages obnoxious, as they are on every page. At least they don’t pop up. No ads.

  20. Absolutely love Planta!! I have a couple issues with the app though. First is I switched to using fertilizer spikes for my orchid, and they’re supposed to be changed every two months, but the app wants me to change them every three months, and I can’t figure out how to change that. Second is I wish I could change what species of plant it is after I’ve already added a plant and have had it in the app for a while instead of having to completely delete and readd the plant. 🙁

  21. I really like the app and it has helped me a lot even doing the free version. I wish it had a few more options or additions on the location parameters. One thing that is really getting to be is that randomly a couple plants will be removed from my list without me knowing. Not sure how long it is before i realize the plant is dry. Tired of second guessing and adding the same plants back on.

  22. I have over 30 house plants. This app definitely helps me keep things thriving. It has detailed options, and is very easy to use. One update i would like to really see is in the care settings, where you set the distance to the window, if you could select an option for “under grow lights”. Consider this my pretty please to the developers. Thank you!

  23. I wish they had a way to custom set watering. I often have to snooze for cacti and succulents. However, the selection of plants to add to rooms is amazing. I like that I can add things like if a room has a draft. I also like that it does adjust watering times according to pot. All in its useful if you have a large collection but if you have less than 30 plants you’ll probably keep better track on your own.

  24. Overall I really enjoy this app. Its visually pleasing and has lots of good information. The only weird thing is that the custom watering schedule doesn’t work properly. Whatever time you specify, it doubles it. So once a week, turns into every two weeks. Four days turns into 8, etc. Its easy enough to work around, but it’s just strange and took me awhile to figure out what was going on. And I got no help from customer service even after reaching out to them twice.

  25. I enjoy the app, I love having all my plants in one place, and I’m seriously considering upgrading to the paid version, for all the extra features. The only real issue that I have, is that every time I go to water, I have to snooze the alerts several times before I water. I don’t think I’ve ever once watered a plant the first time the app tells me too. It would be nice if there was an option to input your own watering schedule – or having a learning schedule, it figures it out as you go.

  26. Jennifer dice:

    Just downloaded this yesterday, so far it’s great, with more plants than other apps. I do wish there was a one time fee to unlock a middle tier of features or a one-time lifetime payment for everything, $36 a year adds up, not sure if I’ll upgrade. Edit: the free version is definitely still helpful! Great to quickly look up info but also find in depth information.

  27. Updating my review bc the support team has been helpful and responsive. App is good overall and serves a helpful purpose. I had to delete the app data and redownload to fix a bug with the app locking up. Otherwise it would be great if they could add a scroll bar in the progress update page. My keyboard blocks the text field and I can’t see what I’m typing. You can’t scroll the page so I end up having to keep minimizing the keyboard just to see what I typed or where the cursor is.

  28. Aurelia K dice:

    Update: Planta has fixed the bug on Android where the watering schedule was not matching the recommendation. Customer service was very quick to reply to say they were working on it, and very friendly. It’s a clean, clear app that helps me track watering and progress in the free version. I wish there were fewer clicks to get things done, but overall, I really like this app for plant care. Recommend!

  29. Lea B dice:

    I really like how this app is organized and how it gives me specific details on the different plants I put into the system, and has a specific watering schedule. I just wish I could get a free trial of the Premium Plan so I can see of paying for it is worth it or not. Also, there is sometimes a glitch when editing plants info where ot says it won’t save, but every time you hit the same button to save and it doesn’t work it actually duplicates the plant your editing.

  30. App is great, with all advertised features, as long as you FULLY close it whenever you lock your phone or switch to another app. Otherwise it will hang on the “please wait” dialogue until you force close and reopen it, which is genuinely irritating but not so much that the app isn’t worth trying out if you have a lot of plants to keep track of.

  31. T ana dice:

    This app, overall, Tre magnifique. Trying to move data from one device to another? A massive headache. I have this problem every time I move to a new phone. Even after resetting the password, the app behaves as if it can’t complete the login process. Last time was annoying at worst since I hadn’t paid for premium, but I sprung for it a few months ago, so this time I’m pretty frustrated. FAQ doesn’t provide a solution to this beyond creating a new account and requesting purchase recovery.

  32. UPDATED I really do like your app, dev. Great job 🙂 It is aesthetically pleasing, has a good user interface, and the options are thoughtful and informative. I might have upgraded if I had used the free version more, but the constant prompting (**almost every single button that you tap prompts you to upgrade to the premium version**) makes the app so frustrating to use that I swapped to another plant care app.

  33. As someone who does not have a green thumb, but insists on continuing to try based off small success, this app is great! I love the amount of info, especially toxicity, although please always double check with another source as I have seen some incorrect info. It would be helpful to note preferred soil type as well. Being able to basically journal about my plants though is a game-changer. I can see what’s working and what isn’t, and try to fix it rather than shrugging and buying a new victim.

  34. I’m really enjoying this app, and as someone new to houseplants the specific and clear instructions are very helpful. The app is easy and straightforward to use. I’m finding the premium sub a good value, and The ID feature works well too. There are 2 features I hope they add in the future: Being able to add a custom worded reminder (like to take a cutting or rotate the pot) would be neat. Being able to filter the reccommended plants for a location to only non-toxic

  35. I have a LOT of plants (60+.) My biggest complaint is that the app gets unwieldy at this level. I want better task sorting (I’d like watering at the top, then fertilizing, then misting, etc.) plus I really want to be able to hide completed or snoozed tasks so I’m not scrolling endlessly through checked off plants. Also I wish there was an option for compact task list viewing with maybe no pictures and smaller text. Overall it’s useful but it does frustrate me.

  36. I like it but it would be nice if you could manually add unlisted plants and manually enter the water, misting and fertilizing schedule. Similarly, being able to record an unscheduled event (i.e. I watered the plant because I repotted it outside the normal watering schedule). I also wish the misting logic was improved. I have some plants show a misting and watering task on the same day, which seems counterintuitive. Great app but room to improve.

  37. I recently switched from watering my houseplants all at the same time (~ once a week) to a more plant-by-plant approach, and this app is super-helpful for me to keep track of which plants need care when. It would be nice if we could use the premium light meter to set light levels on a plant-by-plant instead of room-by-room basis, most of my plants are in one room that ranges from “dark” to “partial sun”, so it’s difficult to calibrate the light levels correctly, which affects watering schedule!

  38. Pros: It has a light meter, plant search using your camera, recommendations, & more. Cons: It has multiple entries for the same plant. For example Tracendiatia, Turtle Vine has 3 seperate entries with slightly different descriptions. Also, it’s still missing some. For example Croton are numerous & for some weird reason the popular Croton Mammy hasn’t made it into the list. Cool app. I hope it continues to grow & improve.

  39. Have been loving this app, but recently something changed which is the reason for 4 stars. This app has been super helpful so I know which plants I’ve watered when, tracking progress, etc. The issue is, when I select a location to review my plants they are no longer in alphabetical order, and for some reason all my plants in that location are not showing up?? Will not continue with this app if it’s not fixed I’m afraid, it’s very frustrating when you have so many plants!

  40. Wants me to water plants a lot less frequently than I think they need — even when I set the area conditions as very dry and drafty, the watering schedule stays the same. When doing progress reports, taking a photo resets the plant health to “good”. As a workaround I’ve started taking the photo first, then filling out the top section afterwards. Also, even though I’ve set my privacy settings to keep my photos private, the progress report photo defaults to “everyone” EVERY TIME.

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