My Little Pony Celebration MODDED 2022


Quit dragon your hooves and join the My Little Pony Friendship Celebration!
4.2/5 Votos: 77,101
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It’s a different party everyday in Ponyville in the Hasbro My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app! Check your mailbox for invitations and then join Princess Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and other Ponies for virtual tea parties, games, and pictures!

TEA PARTIES – Attend a virtual tea party with a variety of tasty Ponyville foods like cake, éclairs, apples, and other treats you can serve to your Pony friends! Unlock more as you play!

GAMES – It wouldn’t be a party without virtual games and each Pony has her favorite! Bobbing for apples with Applejack! Finding books with Princess Twilight Sparkle! Chasing away storm clouds with Rainbow Dash! Feeding bunnies with Fluttershy and more!

PHOTO – Finish off the party with a themed photo of your favorite Ponies to remember your day!

SCAN My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic toys with a heart-shaped code (each sold separately) to host your own themed party!

The more parties you attend, the more virtual goodies, gifts and other neat things you unlock. Level up to discover all the Ponyville surprises!

When you scan a My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic toy with a heart-shaped symbol (sold separately) into the My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app:
– Lay your device flat on the table and hold the toy over it.
– Make sure the camera is pointing straight at the heart-shaped symbol.
– Keep the toy steady in the middle of the screen, about 5-10cm (2-4 inches) away from the camera.
– Slowly move the toy further away until the heart is in focus.
Visit your device’s privacy settings to enable or disable the camera function.

This app supports these devices running Android 4.0, 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4.
– Google Nexus 4, 5, 7 (2012), 7 (2013), 10
– HTC One
– Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 p5100
– Samsung Galaxy Nexus
– Samsung Galaxy SII, SIII, S4, S5
– Samsung Galaxy Note II
– Samsung Galaxy Note 3
– Sony Xperia Z

Check for compatibility, availability, and instructions. Make sure your device supports this app before downloading. Other devices may be compatible but are not supported. Updates affect compatibility.

The My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app requires an Internet connection (3G, 4G, LTE, or WiFi) for download and updates. Kids, ask a parent first before downloading.

The My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app is free to download and play, but additional in-game items can be unlocked via the following ways:
– Over time by earning rewards through play; and/or
– By scanning in My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic toys featuring the heart-shaped symbol (sold separately).

The My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app gives users the ability to take pictures and save them to an in-app photo album or to the user’s mobile device. Pictures taken using this feature are stripped of personal information regardless of the user’s mobile device settings and are not shared by Hasbro with any unaffiliated third parties or other users. Visit your device’s privacy settings to enable or disable the camera function.

The My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app also requires access to your device’s camera to scan My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic toys with a heart-shaped symbol (sold separately).
The My Little Pony Friendship Celebration app is subject to App Store terms and conditions. For compatibility, look for My Little Pony Cutie Mark Magic toys with a heart-shaped symbol on them (sold separately). Not compatible with earlier My Little Pony or My Little Pony Equestria Girls toys or other current My Little Pony or My Little Pony Equestria Girls toys. Product availability varies by region.

Hasbro, My Little Pony, and all related logos and character names and trademarks are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. © 2015 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved.


Minor bug fixing and improvements


40 comentarios en "My Little Pony Celebration MODDED 2022"

  1. Scanning feature needs work… This game lets your child scan their My Little Pony toys that have the Cutie Mark Magic hearts on them, which is cool, but the scanning feature is very temperamental. Sometimes it works in about 1-2 seconds – other times though, I find myself spending 15-20 minutes trying to coax the app into scanning my child’s toy so that she can continue playing the game. I have tried following all of the instructions and tips provided by the developer and have made sure to scan the toy the exact same way and under the exact same conditions shown in the app’s tutorial (and I have done this many times). This is no help. Sometimes it works well, but sometimes it makes you want to pull your hair out. Don’t get me wrong, I think that it’s a great game and my 5 year old daughter has enjoyed playing it for almost two years now. I just really wish that the scanning feature could be improved. If it worked reliably all the time, or at least 90% of the time, then I would give a 5 star rating.

  2. Oh man, I played this years ago and I think wanted to do it just for funsies. I mean… it’s a kids’ game. It has voice acting which I find fine. However! I will say, the game does get old. I mean, I get it, the developers did with what they have and their skills, and repetitiveness is sometimes beneficial for a kid, but there’s really not much you can do. It’s not the best Party Simulator out there, but if you don’t mind playing something as simple as this, that’s good! I think it’s… alright.

  3. freckle dice:

    This is a great game, even by 2021 standards, due to its simplicity and attractive features for children. I have played this for a few weeks and there’s no need for grinding to unlock items, all that’s needed is just to have fun and play for at least 30 minutes every day. Of course the game could be better, and it does sometimes present itself with bugs, but overall, it’s a good game for passing time and especially for avid collectors- there are so many cute items to acquire as you progress!

  4. Great game my daughter loves to play, but scanning in the ponnies is hellish, so difficult at times. Makes me want to….aaahhhhh. really need to ask on scanning them in better with less hassle. And wild be more fun if you could see which ponnies you’ve scanned in stuff register them in the app so y you can keep moving forward with what you’ve collected.

  5. Dear Hasbro…. i really like the game but there is some things that are very frustrating… 1. When you go to scan the pony it doesn’t work properly. I have been trying for ages and ages but it has never worked….. it would be awesome if you fixed it so it will work. 2. Whenever I open mail it crashes the game so i keep on reopening the game and its never stoped doing that… if you have the time to fix the app i would really appreciate it. Thank you hasbro.

  6. My 7 year old cousin loves to play this. Everything about it is pretty good except scanning the cousin will come up to me asking to help scan some of her ponies, but it seems like certain ones just don’t scan for some odd reason. Other times some will scan and some will not!

  7. Its very sad that you abandoned the game a while ago. This game is very fun and you get to play as 4 ponys at a party. I love all the little party gifts, and the foods and drinks. I dont really like that the not really used ponys voices are the same, but just different pitch. By the way, you guys could do better.

  8. The developer has abandoned the app. Either they can’t fix bugs or didn’t care too. Either way game abandoned and no fixes apparently in the future. The sad thing is it’s a great concept. Descent graphics and game play. That said now useless

  9. It’s very sad that, like most of Hasbro’s games, this has been abandoned. But even so, there are issues with this app. I have a rainbow dash pony which can be scanned into the game and it just won’t work. I have made sure the room I’m in is lit up completely and the heart symbol is clearly in view but it doesn’t want to scan which is a huge shame. I dont know if there’s some error and only a few ponies work with this?? But I won’t be playing this again

  10. Lola LOve dice:

    dont really like it the games for the shiny crystal things are hard and it takes long really like a update and fix it for the crystal things so when one person finishes doing it the game is over and no pictures i think this is old but please put a update i would rate better with update and i would like it if it wasnt so hard to get diffenerent items then the same all the time because i get so dissapointed when i get the same item and please make the ponies sound like they sound in the show because they sound absolutely nothing alike sometimes! and make the dinner have more diffenrent things to eat because you get the same looking thing a lot, like you already have the stuff you get in some dinners and make it so you can choose more stuff to eat like every time you run out of food all the food you’ve seen in the dinners you’ve been through add it to the list please and i would like it so you wouldnt have to wait six days to do a party because it takes a while and its boring to wait SIX DAYS! SIX!!!!!!!!! make the days like 2 or 1 maybe just 3 2 and 1 ty if you do also add more stuff to do than parties like add stories dressing up ponies and make it if you wanna add your own ponies you can chose without the heart on the ponies because not everyone have a pony or a pony with a heart on it and dont so much invataions in one place because i got 5 in one place and it was annoying and made me worried i would miss out on the parties but i am glad theres no adds but please stop making them do the same things over again PLEASE thats just dumb and make it so people with comeputers can play because i really wanna play but i CANT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? thanks really boring sometimes tho bye!!! and sorry for so much words

  11. This game is very good because like me lots of child’s are always in home we can’t play accept in school but they have to do parties they have to do fun with their friends but some child’s like me are really fan of My Little Pony so this game is good for like us so this is not a game that need internet always we can play it in the flight mode but don’t too much because if we will play lots of time so we have a routine to play this the parties are continuously came and I really love this game

  12. pop tart dice:

    I actually love this game, and I really love it because it’s offline, lucky that you give the randomizer thingy so some players don’t need to scan their ponies :), but the different voices annoys me just a lil bit since I didn’t know that their voices are like this, plus, the background characters like Photo Finish, Pursey Pink, Sapphire Joy and the others have the same voice but the pitch is different, they have the same party games. But welp, still love this game, don’t abandon this game pls

  13. This game is awesome! Scanning the zapcodes on ponies is easy, if you have the right lighting. It is a bit laggy though. I do recommend playing this game!

  14. iChoco dice:

    It said that it may not work properly because its made for older androids.Wont let me even touch the game, Wich is a shame cus i loved this game as a kid and wanted to experience the nostalgia and cute ponies again.Fix this hasbro you can do better.

  15. Fun game for my 6 year old granddaughter but it’s frustrating that everything she wants to do involves pay to play on app. Also if it has weak wifi it malfunctions and freezes up , which has my granddaughter wanting to delete it.. customer service/ technical support is non existent.

  16. app is pretty useless… scanning the ponies is nearly impossible & camera is always so dark no matter the lighting.. my daughter loves the game but its too hard for her to do.. you can have the black heart right on top of the ponies heart & all it does is go in & out of focus… Sad they havent fixed this issue but they probably never will..

  17. Very bad game I don’t do anything and it goes on the main screen. It should not be like this. I hate this game.I don’t like it anyway. Otherwise, the graphics are good.this should be improved.thank you.

  18. Nowadays, It’s very boring because of CORONAVIRUS. But everyone please install this super My little pony celebration game by it’s logo Hasbro. When you are bored and have no friends to play with, this is the perfect game for you. Scan your Mlp toys to get more party visitors!!! You can not only play with one Mlp character, you can play with four more ponies at each party! Also, we have four friends in this game which is better than one!! I never got bored then, ever. Install this game now!

  19. I love this game but sad i don’t have any my little pony toys that could be scanned but thanks there where free ponies in the wheel, but i got some problems first when i was playing this game i’m still bored even if i’m done playing cause there just a little games to play but its ok. I rated them 4 stars because of my problems but not bad because its ofline but still a little boring sorry.

  20. MX P dice:

    This game is a great game, you can play offline buuuut there aren’t enough gifts and games for each pony. I really hope they can add more gifts and games for each pony. I also have trouble scanning the heart thing on the mlp dolls.

  21. Its actually a rlyyy fun game my friends and i looove it. 1 thing you should do when i dont play it I unstall it but what you should do is when you unstall the game and you want to play it again, you should do like not to start everything over and another thing you should do like levels so you dont have to buy the ponys with real money like if your lvl 40 you get rerity or something like that, Thanks!!!

  22. Great game super,super fun when you play the games and eat and take a look at the cards but my most favourite party’s are rarity ,princess cadance ,pinkie pie and princess celestia.Is the greatest game ever and it blowed my mind off my head.not really it had really exploded i mean that it is really great and if you are gonna download this game i know you will really,really,really like thow i was watching a really nice movie called my little pony the movie.

  23. Sorry hasbro but I just had to. I wanted to host my own party but I had to buy a real pony toy, and that’s just wasting my money. Besides,there are Other people that wants to host a party but is saving money for important things!Im just,really frustrated about buying stuff just for an app. I’m sorry hasbro and Pls make apps that don’t need money 🖕

  24. I love this game alot. When i was under 7 i played this alot and make them eat some food so much. Its like a mukbang and i tried scanning the marks on my pony, it won’t work cuz it was half gone lol. Absolutely amazing game ngl!

  25. This game has glitched badly and even though I purchased extras in the game it will not even open now. Just a black screen. Absolutely terrible and a total waste of money!!!!!

  26. This is the BEST.this tv show is my 2nd childhood show (next to lion guard that will always be my childhood)I know why now they need access to camera,to take pics of the pony toys u have with the hearts on their hooves.but the reason for 2 stars is bc they set up to send u phone calls,call people from ur number and it’s actually pretty dumb I mean. Like this is supposed to be a child game so like what the heck!?otherwise pretty good.

  27. Juliene dice:

    I love this game so much, I play this with my sisters and cousins all the time and we all have a great time playing this game, the party games are so fun and the best part is that you don’t need wifi and no ads popping up while you are playing! Definitely 5 stars ✨✨

  28. So so so so so so so so so so fun try it try it but I only want other ponys to host partys except for the main six thank you and I don’t have any my little pony toys to host partys my self. But super duper fun game no ads either but celestia’s voice is rong it’s higher in reality but other then that DOWNLOAD THIS GAME

  29. the game is as the other my little pony games but voicovers kinda weird.I think the game will be much better if you use the actual voices of the voice actors in the series(you know,tara strong as twilight sparkle,andrea libman as fluttershy and pinkie pie……)please consider this,hasbro.

  30. Will not scan the toy. Camera option will not focus. Please update the app to work with newer phones. Bought the toy a d child is very disappointed in the whole experience. Will change rating once working properly.

  31. alyssa dice:

    I absolutely loved this game as a child, coming home from school everyday to play, I even had some of the ponies with the scanner, for any child my little pony lovers, I recommend you download this.

  32. dear to the person who makes this game please update this game so it could have so many new features like. Luna voice when she talks she sounds like a random pony and i don’t really like it anyways i would rate it 5 stars but if the person who made this game pls add something new.

  33. Pretty cool and the best game! Cuz I really love this game there’s no adds popping off and no need wifi and the hard thing is the party’s can only be open at days Wednesday or Saturday or just something else like I dont have da pony actually but I gave this five5 stars 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 cuz this is the best!

  34. I liked the game, the only problem is that the parties take too long…. For example: The Twilight party takes 6 DAYS! This is unbelievably time-consuming”

  35. VB Flame dice:

    This game is beautiful, fun and lovely I like that there are diffrent games in each party. It does not require any internet connection and it works very smoothly

  36. Good Game, but it would be nice if you could just put a switch button to turn on or off if you want to scan your Ponies again, cause its hard do it again and again

  37. Such a nice good app. It’s really fun. Can be used for time pass. But sometimes it’s a little boring (that’s why 4 stars) otherwise everything is fine .download it and have fun

  38. R Brown dice:

    This game is so bad!!! U need a weird party thing (like a credit card) so this is a impassable game to ever play so just fix the problems in the following messages (just make it a tap screen and just make a party for them) so please 😀 😉 😄 😊 😅 😁 😀 😉 😄 fix it like soooooo much

  39. This is really great! I love the way you scan your ponies heart shape , and your pony just appears on the screen!!! And you collects items, my favorite character is luna, she’s so cool ⭐⭐ 🌙🌚🌙⭐⭐

  40. I like this game . This game has all the ponies free , unlike other my little pony game . I may say to those ones who are installing it , they are choosing the right game to play .

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