Chai’s Play – Aplikasi parenting & permainan anak MODDED 2022


Applications games and age-appropriate parenting
4.7/5 Votos: 15,417
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** Chai’s Play service is currently available in Indonesian, Korean, Chinese language. **
** Layanan aplikasi Chai’s Play saat ini tersedia dalam bahasa Indonesia, Korea, dan Mandarin. **

Chai’s Play adalah aplikasi pengasuhan anak untuk para orangtua dari anak-anak usia prasekolah (0-6 tahun).
Kami juga telah hadir dengan konten pendidikan pralahir, info kehamilan dan persalinan bagi para calon orangtua yang sedang menantikan kelahiran si kecil.
Dapatkanlah tips bermain dan pengasuhan anak yang sesuai dengan usia buah hati Anda!

★ Mengapa saya harus mengunduh aplikasi Chai’s Play?
• Jika Anda memasukkan tanggal lahir anak, Anda akan mendapat update info pilihan yang sesuai dengan usia anak Anda setiap hari.
• Seiring dengan bertumbuhnya si kecil yang secepat kilat, Anda dapat terus memantau dan mempraktekkan info pengasuhan anak dan tips permainan yang terus berubah seiring perkembangannya.
• Konten kami disusun oleh para ahli pendidikan khususnya bidang aktivitas untuk tumbuh kembang anak.

★ Siapakah yang mendirikan Chai’s Play?
• Aplikasi ini dibangun bersama-sama oleh para ahli pendidikan dan desainer yang peduli terhadap anak-anak dan para orangtua.
Selalu ada update dan tips permainan dan info pengasuhan anak setiap harinya.
Sebarluaskan aplikasi ini kepada pasangan Anda, kakek-nenek, dan semua teman Anda yang sedang mengasuh anak!

★ Temukan permainan yang lebih beragam di Chai’s Play!


- Perbaikan kinerja lainnya dan peningkatan stabilitas.
Sebarkan Chai's Play kepada orangtua lain yang Anda kenal!!
Silakan hubungi [email protected] jika ada pertanyaan.


40 comentarios en "Chai’s Play – Aplikasi parenting & permainan anak MODDED 2022"

  1. Straight forward, simple look, light &user friendly. Very helpful and resourceful. Gives me bunch of ideas to play educational games with my baby. Plenty tips on parenting 💛

  2. rn i have to learn a lot about child, cause my major early childhood education. This apps really good, simple, entertain, full of information with cute illustration, love this! keep going❤

  3. This app is so helpful how your kids play with their parents. And they give us many directions without preparations, so anyone can try at home. They also give us a proper guide if you add the age of your kids.

  4. Love it do much! I also need to learn more to be a better parent and it helps me with the tips and tricks 👍👍👍👍 Good job!!!

  5. Very useful. This app show how to play with our child and there is some knowledge for parents about child’s development. thanks.

  6. Great app for leaning how to play with your kids and it’s very recommended. I got many information about my 2 years old daughter from the app. Thank u!

  7. Very influential to the parents who need more ideas and suggestions, specifically for playing with using creative but still simple tools

  8. Very thankful and appreciate this app. Useful for every parents and easy to understand and implement. Kudos!

  9. It’s very usefull for the new mommy and daddy. From this app, parents learn everything about the baby.

  10. This apps is awesome, helping people building relationship with their child. Very recommended for parents.

  11. Felicite dice:

    This is a life saver. I was run out of idea to entertain my 5 mo, then this app appear. Now my baby has so many activity to do.

  12. This helps me to get inspiration in finding attractive yet easy games to play with my toddler.

  13. sichoki dice:

    It’s helpful guidance especially for new parents and there’s bunch of ideas to interact with the baby

  14. Good apps. So many informations that we can get from here, parenting, diy toys, etc.

  15. Really useful apps for me as a new mom!!! Daily article and games are really inspiring ❤

  16. What a simple & excited activities in this App. Love it, my baby love it too

  17. I love this app, very useful to make my children grow smart and healthy.

  18. norama25 dice:

    Chai’s play giving me an idea to explore my kids world and how I can practice alot of fun things with them ❤️

  19. One games/article daily is very useful dan effective way to learn how to be happy and fun parents for your kids

  20. Great app, very helpful advices and suggestions about how to deal with our kids

  21. so helpfull. very nice app to read and learn how to be a good parents. thank yoi chai’s play

  22. Muliana dice:

    Very helping for new parent to find any information regarding to develop their child.

  23. Love this app. Chais play help me to be a mom, many ideas to play game with my baby

  24. Good apps with lot of things to learn and improve. Thank you

  25. Asli keren banget. Buat ortu jaman now. Its Very Inspiring !!!!

  26. Really helpfull for new parents. Every parents should keep following articles from Chai’s play

  27. Very useful. Lots of play inspiration!

  28. helps a lot, i learn much how to play with my children

  29. Very helpful to get guide and inspiration

  30. Very helpfull and inspiring. Thankss

  31. there are so many playing ideas to practise. love it ❤️

  32. Excellent app, very useful for parents

  33. Comprehensive & playful. Good app.. 👍👍

  34. Very helpfull aplication for parents.

  35. Applicative and simple to do

  36. Suci Oei dice:

    useful app for parent, especially working mom like me, thanks Chai’s Play

  37. Very helpfull for the child. thanks..😍😇

  38. Amazing app and really helpful for me!

  39. Great app, for new mom like me it’s really help

  40. I’m so helpfull to practice the game with my kids

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