Feedly – Smarter News Reader 2022


A single place to organize, read, and share all the content you need to succeed
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Your central place to organize, read, and share the information you need to stay ahead of the next big trend in your industry.

Every day, millions of professionals and passionate learners use Feedly on their phones and tablets to follow the blogs, magazines, and other sources that matter to them.

With Feedly, you can easily organize all your publications, blogs, YouTube channels, and more in one place and consume and share more efficiently. No more zig zagging. All the content comes to you in one place, in a clean and easy-to-read format.

People use Feedly to read blogs, learn new topics, and track keywords, brands and companies.

Faster access to lots of different sources of news and information means that you can more easily keep up with important trends in your industry and build up expertise on the topics you really care about.

Because Feedly is connect to more than 40 million feeds, you can really go deep and find the niche content that is specific to your work or passion – this is a big difference from alternatives that feel very shallow and random in the content that is available.

From tech to business, design to marketing, media and beyond, Feedly helps you discover great feeds that you can organize in your feedly and read in one place.

Because it is powered by RSS, Feedly is an open system: you can add any RSS feed and read it wherever you go. Just enter the URL of that feed in the search bar or search for it by name.

Feedly offers useful integrations with Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, Buffer, OneNote, Pinterest, LinkedIn, IFTTT, and Zapier so that you can easily share stories with your networks and teammates.

We believe in speed and simplicity. We spent a lot of time making sure Feedly is the best free reader available on the Android phones and tablets. The app loads fast and offers a simple and clean reading experience.

The best way to start is to search for a blog, magazine or newspaper you like to read and add it to your Feedly.

If you are looking for inspiration, you can open the search panel and browse some of our popular topics. We help you discover the best blogs for tech, business, food, marketing, entrepreneurship, design, baking, photography and more.

Our mission is to deliver in one place all the knowledge and inspiration you need to keep ahead.

Happy reading!

[We are [email protected] and @feedly if you need support or want to report a bug]


New features and bug fixes


40 comentarios en "Feedly – Smarter News Reader 2022"

  1. Was a great app, but the latest release is completely broken. It keeps on prompting me to login, I do so, and then it takes me back to the login screen again. Update: the developer responded that this was due to a maintenance issue and they will fix a future version of the app to post maintenance notices inside the app. I am able to login and use the app again.

  2. I love this app and use it every day. It’s great to be able to keep up-to-date on my favorite news site. I didn’t give it a full 5 star rating because of some sever annoyances. First, not every image gets loaded onto the app. Second, quotes from twitter don’t show media attached to it. And third, images that do load up are wider than my phone’s width, so I have to scroll sideways, to view it all. There were a couple of times where the app showed 4 news articles per page, instead of the default, like, 6 it shows. I think it was a bug to show 4, because it goes away after I close the app, and reverts to showing 6 per page. I prefer seeing four, because text and image (again, if it loads up) is bigger.

  3. Awful update. After installing the classic version you’ll see how bad this new one looks. It’s just so bland. It is also missing some of the basic features I’ve been using for years such as opening full articles directly and a list view with scrolling transitions. I get the feeling they care about their new fancy animations instead of actual functionality and usefulness. Also, why can’t there be a dark theme with enough contrast to be usable, e.g. Google News, although the classic version has this problem too. Anyway, I’ll be using the classic version for now. Why mess with it if it ain’t broke?

  4. This app was great when I first installed it, super clean and simple. Subsequent updates have muddied the interface and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to remove sources from my lists. It used to be intuitive with a giant “edit” button. Now there is only an “add content” button which only allows you to add. So annoying when the efforts of software engineers undermine their own goals and ruin something they did right the first time. The dots on the top right only change view and density

  5. Gary dice:

    Good app, but it’s missing features, lacks consistent development, and is awful with audio/visual media. I’ve been using Feedly for years now, and I can say that this is a good reader. Were it not for a few points it would be five stars. No notifications: Updates to feeds must be checked manually. The media player is very minimalistic and prone to crashing the app. This is a terrible reader for podcasts. Very little development. I’ve seen few major updates, and bug fixes are few and far between.

  6. The new app design is prettier, but in some ways a step backwards in functionality. The embedded browser is buggy, and half the time it hangs rather than load the webpage. It’s also lost the ability to swipe to the next article from the embedded browser. I’m hoping this gets smoothed out in an update, because up until now Feedly has been my favorite RSS app hands down. Update 14 Dec: There is now a way to view hover text. Glad to see. I am getting used to backing out of the embedded browser to swipe next, but it’s still a bit buggy.

  7. I finally re-installed an older version of this app, and shut off auto-updates. I can’t stress enough how much better this was before the December “upgrade.” I open the app and it starts where I left off. I swipe to the left and see the text of the next article, with an image below. It all works with my muscle memory. Neither the new app or the “classic” version allow for this experience. The upgrade strategy that the developers took might become a textbook case for how to frustrate users.

  8. The menu at the bottom I think is unnecessary. I get that the app seemed dated in terms of design, but the experience has completely changed. The user experience is horrible since there is no stacked scrolling, and other features that were removed for no reason. Hopefully your responsive to all of this feedback instead of having two applications (classic app and this one). On the positive side the redesign of the logo was a great decision.

  9. Up until this last update, this was the best RSS news feed app out there. It had a slick interface and just an all around natural feel to it. With this last update, the developer completely tore down everything that made the app great and replaced it with a clunky Flipboard knockoff. The UI/UX is awful and unintuitive. I’m sure most of us don’t need an infinite scroll or to reconfigure the app to get it even marginally like the way it used to be. Terrible decision also to be hostile to users and make us pay for Pocket integration. I’m going over to Feedly classic and turning off auto update, but really, why should I have to? My advice to the developer would be to read the room. You have a top notch product that people love and keep coming back to, and now you go and turn it on it’s head to make it hardly stand out from the competition… absolutely tone deaf.

  10. I hate the UI redesign. All my headlines blend together without the clear separation they used to have. Even worse, headlines are truncated and I can’t tell the difference between two lines anymore. This used to be a great app, but now it’s nearly unusable. Edit: I use small font, text only, compact settings. I tried some others but just don’t like them. I installed Feedly Classic, which brings back the familiar good UI.

  11. Count me as not a fan of the new update. I opened it up this morning and found all my settings had been reset to defaults, the Pocket integration was gone, controls in different places. I’m surprised I didn’t have to log back in, but that might at least have given me some warning. It’s like a completely new reader; maybe time to try a different one?

  12. I keep installing this app because it is one of the best available … but there is no option to enlarge the font size (choosing larger font on web version doesn’t affect app). I have vision problems, so I’ll just need to uninstall and try again in a year or two. UPDATE: The developers were kind enough to respond with a tip on enlarging article font size. Unfortunately, my issue is with the size of the feed font, not the articles themselves.

  13. For some reason I just got the new update. This is unusable to me. I’ve also been a happy user since the demise of google reader. I don’t remember exactly which settings I used before, but whatever they were, they no longer exist. I used to be able to pick certain feeds to go through card by card, marking them as read once on each swipe. On other, it would stay in 6 per page, and they’d all mark read as I’d swipe through. After frustratingly trying for 45 minutes to figure out a new workflow, I’ve given up. I will now have to find some alternative. EDIT: Per the response, found feedly classic. This gives me the exact experience I need. I worry it won’t continue forever though.

  14. Well. I’m finally that old person that hates the new interface. Scrolling leaves weird chunks of articles at the bottom of the “pages, ” which are just parts of the same everscroll garbage that’s infected the rest of the internet. I used to use the “all” view that wasn’t the big full-screen feature things and that view isn’t really available anymore, though I think the magazine is close enough. I don’t understand why you changed the interface extensively for what I perceive to be no reason and with what I received as no notice. I’m going to use Classic until you stop supporting that, then I’ll probably stop using RSS-type aggregators altogether, since that’s what the internet seems to want me to do. Thanks for all the good years of this app previously, though.

  15. Wanted to like new version, but it’s missing the option to long-press an article to save it for later. Long-press now gives you a menu, with “save to board” as an option. Tap that, and you get a “personal boards” screen. Then tap “saved for later.” Then tap “done.” That’s 4 taps to do something that used to be 1 tap, which adds up when it’s a function you use constantly. (EDIT: I now see you can do this by swiping right on headline. Not quite the same, but close enough.) Also: swiping through headlines in page/stack mode used to be very clean and precise, giving you the same number of new stories each time. Now, it might give you a few new headlines while keeping an old one on the top, or if you don’t swipe with perfect precision, it will bounce back up a few entries. I don’t mind new updates in general, but the missing functionality and sloppy swiping make a great app much less useful. Huge thanks for keeping “classic Feedly” available.

  16. Ruined! They ruined it. It had one killer feature that it no longer has, the “view mouseover text” button. They just ditched it for no reason. Edit: Thank you for the quick response, but I didn’t ask for a new app, I would like the old working one back until this one has all the functionality. Edit 12/20/18: They fixed the mouseover text feature with a button. I did download Feedly classic and the new app is faster, and now that the feature had been added in it’s worth the 3 stars.

  17. I’ve removed my previous issue, because it has been addressed. Feedly is the way I keep track of various sites across the net. I’ve been a serious RSS user since 2006 and switched to Feedly when Google killed Reader (RIP). It does most of what I could want. The new update changed a lot very suddenly, and wasn’t equivalent to the old version at first, but the amount of changes and tweaks the developers have made very quickly in response to user comments has been very encouraging. I still miss some gesture controls they had in the old version, but I can live without them. RSS is essential to my online experience, and I’ve chosen to trust Feedly with my collection for a reason.

  18. This app is broken. I only tried to use it for podcasts but the audio stops every few minutes and won’t resume when I press play. I’ve tried it in different wifi networks so it’s not a connection issue. I have to restart the app and navigate back to where I was in the episode every time. Also it hasn’t picked up the most recent updates of the podcast. Total garbage. Not sure why it has so many great reviews.

  19. Change is hard. Ratings go down for a while in any major app overhaul, but usually come back up if customers are listened to. Given that, I won’t react too fast to the UI changes as I’m sure things will improve. However, I will react to 2 things. First, my killer feature.1 click long-press to save for later, seems to be gone. I now have to do about 3 or 4 clicks, which isn’t great when I save many at a time. Second, all my setting were wiped. Not major, but annoying to have to change them all again. Third, no “what’s new” page or coachmarks to walk me thru the new UX.

  20. It’s always been my favorite app. The adds now are terrible and very annoying and they don’t go away. Something may be wrong on your end because the O2 Canada add never disappears from your feed. You are going to loose a lot of people. $8 a month is pretty steep. Most of your add free subscription music services aren’t that much. I may consider if you had a discounted rate (like half price) if you paid for 1 year in full ($50 a year?). Or even a lower fee just to remove adds.

  21. It was fine, quirky, but fine. Until the most recent update. Now it runs through a list of articles, then when complete, a free form list, without formatting or context. Not categorized, not ordered, just a list. No idea why, no idea if they are being used for future consideration. Of course the wholesale changes on progression, order, pruning and formatting are just annoying. A bug? Or just another app completely revamping its UI with no context or explaination?

  22. This is fraud, pure and simple. You take the leader of the RSS readers market and quietly replace it with this buggy mess. Literally all features that allow me to read the news the way I like it are missing. The features still there do not work. For example, simple transition between feeds is not available, it’s all click them back, not setup. I cannot persuade the app to open the RSS text before opening the browser to the actual site, even though that is presumably supported. This hot mess is no better than a simple collection of bookmarks.

  23. The interface is hard to get used to. It seems that you can only have 3 feeds by default, and the subscriptions are way too expensive. I’d pay $10/mo for the more expensive subscription, and a one time $10 purchase or $3/mo for the lower end one, but 6 and 16 are just crazy. I think I’d rather just continue using Google News in my browser.

  24. Old app was a 4 (add image zooming and current article reload and it’d be a 5). This redesign, although prettier, is much less functional. I really like the new progress bar , but without reading as you scroll over the summaries, you often end up scrolling through the same articles over and over. This makes the app borderline unusable. I could easily switch devices before, between web and phone without a hiccough. Now? That flow becomes completely unusable. As mentioned in other articles, the image text is gone, so you lose a bunch of context in things like XKCD. ETA: After response, found read on scroll, could’ve sworn I had dug through settings for it and couldn’t find it. That says settings for view and settings should probably be consolidated or at least have links back and forth. So add back one of the stars, but still has problems interacting with the website and the missing captions.

  25. Used to be a great app, but now they went and completely screwed up the interface. Used to be able to flip through full page articles with a simple flick. Now it’s two flicks and a scroll to do the same. Navigating new articles is clumsy where it used to be smootg. Went for “pretty” over functional. Going to have to go find a new reader now. Update: Yeah! Functional app still exists as Feedly Classic!

  26. New version of the app made all the images blurry again so I can’t read my webcomics without opening in browser. This happened in a previous update as well and I can’t remember whether I had to fix it in settings or if it got fixed in another update. The new interface is…meh. As other users have said, the old version was fine and the update just seems to be unnecessarily forcing long-time users to adjust their flow. I’ll give this version a week so I can get acquainted with the new interface, but if the image compression doesn’t get fixed I’m going back to the classic app.

  27. Got auto update which reset all my settings. Can’t get “add to pocket” quick button back. Text size settings affects only titles, not articles. While swiping through articles (in “All” view), every couple of articles it jumps back to the list view and takes a while to load next batch, which I then need to re-enter to continue reading and swiping. Terrible usability degradation compared to previous version. Can’t find a better way to send feedback / contact support. Tried switching to the “Classic app”, but that one is even less usable (settings menu has dark text on dark background).

  28. issy dice:

    Hate the ads.😫 I switched when Texture magazine app was bought out. I love how Feedly collects new content from my fave blogs. However, I’ve never been really happy with how the app is organized. And now ads suddenly began appearing. And they’re multiplying quickly. I would pay not to see them but there is no opt out. Currently searching to see if maybe something better has been developed.

  29. this used to be my favorite app, but the updated version is too frustrating. I used to be able to clean my feed, skipping over what I wanted to read then go back and read the posts I skipped. Now it just marks as read everything in between automatically. And if I scroll too fast and reach the bottom, the whole feed is declared read. To skip a post I need to actively mark it as read later, then open that list instead. I’ve lost too many posts, so I’ll stick to the computer version.

  30. Frustrating To Navigate. Hitting the back button doesn’t actually take you back or close out a sub-menu. You have to do other things to do that or to get those “helpful” popups to go away. Ugh. Don’t try to reinvent the navigation wheel, we use our phones a certain way, make your app fit that. But I’m just going to move on to a different agreggator.

  31. This is the only app that a podcast i gave money to via Patreon is able to play to the exclusive content, so cheers, but the audio stops, without fail, at most six minutes in and requires playing back from earlier in the clip, even if I’m on Wi-Fi. Please make the effort to improve the audio clips on your site or, god forbid, this one person in a flyover state will leave your service. Thank you.

  32. I wanted to use this to have my Tumblr and Deviantart feeds on the same screen. I got the Pro subscription, added everything, and I can see posts but half of them don’t have images when I look at them in the main list. It doesn’t seem to fit any pattern, the same user can post 2 animated GIFs and I’ll see one from the main screen but the other’s an ugly black box until I tap the post. If the image scraping worked all the time, Feedly would be a godsend. Right now though, Feebly is a better name.

  33. Latest update made this completely unusable. Long press to add to pocket is gone, which I rely on dozens of times a day. Always opens the webpage instead of showing you the reader view. New interface is pretty, but so different from previous version that you have to learn in all over again. I’ve never uninstalled an app over a single update, but this time I am. Would give 0 stars if possible.

  34. . If I leave the app while on the article text view and multi-task, when I come back, it’s unresponsive, stuck on the last thing it was showing. After a minute or so, I get an ANR alert for Feedly, and I need to task kill Feedly and re-launch it to continue using it. The unresponsiveness is instant, but the ANR dialog takes a while to appear. I can’t reliably replicate it, but it happens within any 10ish minute window of my Feedly use.

  35. The free version would be good but the ads and click games they play on you are unbearable. As your reading and article, the page suddenly goes to the top to load an ad somewhere. You scroll back down and when you’ve finally located where you were and begin to read…. Boom! You’re back to the top again. Free version is useless. Utterly useless.

  36. If you want large fonts to show up in the article feed, it’s not intuitive. This reader does not respect system font size settings there. But the Feedly Team responded that you can go into any specific article and you will see an “Aa” menu option at the top of the article. Changing the font size there also changes the font size in the feed. 4 stars for the team being responsive and I can change the font size even if it’s not intuitive.

  37. Decided to give it another try. Getting rid of ads is a great reason to use RSS, but nope… Feedly puts em right back in. I was like no prob, I can buy a pro version. But nope. It’s a subscription. 8 bucks a month😒 You can’t even save a feed with creating an account. One assumes that’s so they can track and harvest. I find myself very frustrated by being unable go find an app that just brings you the RSS without a bunch of nonsense added on. It’s supposed to be simple. Really simple.

  38. It used to be that if you listened to a podcast of even moderate length (~10 minutes or more) the app would just stop playing it part of the way through. With the latest update (version 60), it just outright refuses to play any podcasts at all. The developers seem to be really determined to kill any useful functions of this app.

  39. The redesign shifted quickly from what was a known and used method of operation. Instead of keeping the principles in place that made it loved, they redesigned the entire UI. That’s a shame because the simplicity of the UI made it great. Unfortunately, I’m not on board with the changes. It wasn’t broken for the majority of users. Yet, they attempted to fix it. Furthermore, there was no communication regarding the changes before the update for the vast majority of their users. If you liked the classic version of Feedly, you will not find that here. Like others have stated, look for the classic version instead. This is a great example of what not to do from a development perspective.

  40. This app crashes constantly. i love the concept of it and if it worked I’d give it 5 stars, but I cant make it through more than 20 minutes of a podcast without it crashing and totally losing my progress. Kind of infuriating to be honest. i can handle the occasional crash but this app is ridiculous. Apparently this problem has been around for years and it just keeps getting worse, so their source code is garbage. I’d go with something else.

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