Duo Mobile MODDED 2022


Security made simple
4.7/5 Votos: 75,922
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Duo Mobile works with Duo Security’s two-factor authentication service to make logins more secure. The application generates passcodes for login and can receive push notifications for easy, one-tap authentication.

Additionally, you can use Duo Mobile to manage two-factor authentication for other application and web services that make use of passcodes.

Duo Mobile also has a companion app for Wear OS, Duo Wear, making secure authentication even more convenient on your smartwatch.

Note: For Duo accounts, Duo Mobile needs to be activated and linked to your account before it will work. You will receive an activation link as part of Duo’s enrollment process. You may add third-party accounts at any time.

Additionally, we will request access to use your camera for the sole purpose of scanning QR codes when activating accounts. Accounts can be activated by other methods if you choose not to do so.

License agreements for third-party Open Source libraries used in Duo Mobile can be found at https://www.duosecurity.com/legal/open-source-licenses.

For the latest Terms and Conditions see https://duo.com/legal/terms.


We're always working to improve your experience with Duo Mobile. This update introduces support for the Duo Mobile companion app on Wear OS, making it even easier to approve login requests right from your wrist. We’ve also included various behind-the-scenes improvements and minor bug fixes to enhance your authentication experience.


20 comentarios en "Duo Mobile MODDED 2022"

  1. Ditch the animated splash screen. Sure, it only takes a second to load, but when you have to use this app to unlock to your work computer, that one second is super annoying. If I just received a push notification to approve a login, why do I need to wait for you to tell me that I’m opening the Duo app? It was on the push. It’s on the login page. Don’t make the process longer than it needs to be.

  2. LG dice:

    This app is a point and tap nightmare. I have lost backups. I have lost recovery. I have lost sleep because of this app. It’s beyond not being user friendly it’s about as useless as putting a screen door on a submarine. Yeah it’s “safe” because you cannot even get it to work when you switch to a new phone. This app it a good example of what not to use for your authenticator. Absolutely a freaking nightmare. Thanks duo for putting me in a state of dismay.

  3. No cell/wifi bug. Everytime I get a push notification to unlock my computer, it says I have no cellular or Wi-Fi connection. Open the app, it displays the error, click ok, then the app closes. I have to reopen the app again and then accept the login push. Started doing this after the last update. Cleared cache and restarted phone, works once. Pixel 6 Pro

  4. Mr.T dice:

    It’s not available on Android watches, but it is on the Apple Watch. Unlike 19 years ago, building an iOS app today isn’t drastically different from building an Android app. With tools like Flutter or React Native, we now have cross-platform compatibility that makes it easier to develop for both systems simultaneously. If the developers haven’t created it, it is because they clearly don’t want it !

  5. It won’t work. It just stays frozen on the accounts list. I can’t click anything. Popup notifications for login confirmation don’t let me click anything. I’ve tried force stopping. I’ve tried unintalling and reinstalling. Nothing works. Duo is required for me to login to my college account and this app has caused me to miss assignments, miss lectures, miss appointments with professors because I can’t login. Horrible app.

  6. Ben Blake dice:

    It is terrible to work with, and would not let me reconnect any of my old accounts when I got a new phone. I tried reinstalling the app 6 times and it didn’t work. I really wish that my school didn’t require duo because now I’m locked out of my account and no website or “help desk” is helpful at all. Overall it was a terrible experience with this app and I hate it very much. Don’t get it if you can help it, and if you need it, good luck.

  7. I use this app dozens of times a day, and have done so for a long time. Swapping the approve and deny buttons has resulted in significant disruption to my day. Muscle memory, then having to select that no, this was not suspicious, it was just me selecting the option where approve has been for the last years. Then i have to force another push. It brings my productivity to a halt, disrupts whatever train of thought I was on or chasing. It’s frustrating.

  8. would give 0 stars if i could. I’ve had to use this app for years at school, and it has never worked for a period longer than a week. The web browser support is awful, it is impossible to reach customer service. The app regularly decides that the settings on my phone or computer are wrong and it will not work, even when I haven’t changed the settings ever and it worked just fine. Literal garbage. Cannot wait to be done using it.

  9. Fine as long as you NEVER need to change devices. Which is obviously unrealistic. Easily the biggest flaw with this app is that they make it very difficult for you to use your account on a new device, the process is unnecessarily complicated. And if you’re trying to switch from an iPhone to Android or vice versa – forget it! Per their own Support/Help section, it is currently impossible to transfer your DuoMobile account cross-platform, all u can do is delete your old account and start all over.

  10. Have to use this for work. Mixed experience up until now, but it’s been mostly fine. The new UX is pretty bad, and like others have said the swapping of the approve/deny buttons is straight up stupid. Knowing how software development goes, I have a sneaking suspicion that change was driven by some non-technical person trying to force engagement with the “redesign”. Arbitrary, counter-productive, and unnecessarily increases friction.

  11. Bad update. Thanks for swapping the approve/deny button locations for no reason. It’s an utterly ridiculous decision to ignore years of muscle memory of your entire installed base, to make, what you *think* might be easier for new users for some random reason. The new UI is a huge waste of space. Now is as good of time as any for our company to change to a different company’s product for two factor authentication, as all of the users have to relearn their behavior anyway.

  12. Dubz dice:

    It works, and it gets the job done, but not to its full potential. When using any smartwatch (Android Wear or Tizen based) to respond to push requests, you have to unlock your phone to complete the request. Other apps (like LastPass’s Authenticator) do not operate like this and allow the user to respond directly from their wearable. I could see “added security” as an excuse, however the iOS/Apple Watch do not require this. Such a shame, but the nuisance and lack of usability for smartwatches lowered the rating drastically for this for me. If they change this, I will update my review to reflect the change accordingly. Would also be nice to let the watch run in standalone as well. The watch would be linked with the phone (if it’s on one it’s on the other). This would make things so much better for myself and probably others as well. My watch has a pin, so security isn’t an issue for that. I’m sure it can be required as well. I actually left my phone at home by mistake today. I was completely locked out, and my watch would be of no help. Dropped to 1 star for this, and will probably seek better alternatives if this isn’t addressed properly.

  13. I’ve been using this app for years, and after the recent update they decided to swap the allow/deny buttons for login pushes. Now every login is a fight against years of muscle memory, followed by an equally annoying “was this a suspicious login?” No, you just changed a fundamental part of your app for no reason. In addition, it also seems much slower to open and slower to respond and I prefer the old look.

  14. Serena C dice:

    I am forced to use this app for my job. I got a new phone several months ago and it has been nothing but a headache on a daily basis attempting to log in ever since. I will connect an account to receive authentication codes, it will generate a password after I scan the QR, it will state authentication failed!! Despite me just syncing the account. I will restart both my browser and my mobile app, and I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling. It will not sync at all, no matter what I do.

  15. I can change the sound on every app except this one. It keeps crashing the settings app. Update (1/7/21): Problem persists after update. Also, even though the app is set to update automatically, it doesn’t update and it doesn’t appear in the list of apps that have updates available. I had to update manually in the app page in the store.

  16. Continues to say my android device doesn’t have full disk encryption, when it does. Prevents me from doing my work. Edit: I was missing the second setting; I needed to go to Settings >> Lock Screen and Security >> Secure Startup, and enable “Require password when device turns on.” Upgrading the rating to 4-stars, since it worked fine once that was in place. Just need to make the documentation more clear.

  17. My muscle memory completely invalidated by the new update… please put Accept and Deny buttons back to their original position and I’ll fix the rating. Thanks! ***************** Update: I understand the usability reasons behind this, but you can’t change it without any notice. Make it configurable at least, or just enable it only for new users…

  18. Great in theory but with Android, it doesn’t send the push notifications. i have to manually open the app for it display the codes. i have a reset the notification settings many times over the last 5 months to no avail. i wish they could fix that, they’d get 5 stars from me! i know this feature exists because i had no problems with it on my iPhone

  19. This app does much more than being useless. Useless is something just sit there and does nothing, but this app does something – it makes logging in even worse. The adding account part is a nightmare. The bar code scanning doesn’t work properly for a whole day. Moreover, whenever the app stops working properly, I lost access to ALL the school’s online service. I can’t access any of my course materials the whole morning thanks to this spectacular piece of rubbish. I wonder why this buggy app can still survive. Thank you so much for wasting my time and making my day miserable. EDIT: Found a way to bypass this and use the computer-only mode. APP UNINSTALLED.

  20. Provoxin dice:

    This app has been awful as an IT admin. Enrollments very often don’t work for no apparent reason, and refuse to give any meaningful error data. Users softlock themselves if the enrollment process gets interrupted at any point, and then their partial setup has to be completely reset from our end before they can try again. We’ve been getting countless calls about the setup just failing or refusing to proceed for no reason. Once set up, the app occasionally fails to send push notifications.

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