AppClose – co-parenting app MODDED 2022


The App for co-parents.
4.6/5 Votos: 6,148
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AppClose® has been featured on: The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Yahoo Lifestyle, TechCrunch, Austin American-Statesman.

Ex­pe­ri­ence Ap­p­Close, the Co-Par­ent­ing App like nev­er be­fore – beau­ti­ful­ly re­de­fined to make co-par­ent­ing sim­pler and more seam­less.

Now, co-par­ents, step­par­ents, fam­i­ly mem­bers, child­care providers, pro­fes­sion­als, and oth­er third par­ties – re­gard­less of whether or not they use the app – can com­mu­ni­cate and share in­for­ma­tion eas­i­ly from the con­ve­nience of any mo­bile de­vice. By or­ga­niz­ing pri­or­i­ties and oblig­a­tions into three dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories, we’ve made it even eas­i­er for you and the peo­ple in your cir­cle to com­mu­ni­cate, man­age tasks, share ap­point­ments and events, track ex­pens­es, and send & re­ceive mon­ey for re­im­burse­ment oblig­a­tions.

Why use Ap­p­Close?

• Our unique, mul­ti-func­tion­al cal­en­dars record and share events, ap­point­ments, ex­pens­es, and re­quests, & al­low you to com­mu­ni­cate by en­try with oth­er Ap­p­Close users in your cir­cle..
• Send and re­ceive text mes­sages that can­not be al­tered or delet­ed.
• Group chat with mul­ti­ple peo­ple in your cir­cle.
•. Video & Phone Calls
• Save or share im­por­tant child-re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion (al­ler­gies, spe­cial med­ica­tions, al­ter­na­tive child care op­tions, mea­sure­ments, school re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion, etc.) with your co-par­ent or oth­er third par­ties.
• Add third par­ties to your cir­cle (i.e. grand­par­ents, step­par­ents, ad litems, at­tor­neys, men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als, etc.) to keep every­one on the same page.
• Use Ap­p­Close Solo when your co-par­ent doesn’t use the app, you are a sin­gle par­ent, or you want to share per­son­al or child-re­lat­ed in­for­ma­tion with non-Ap­p­Close users.
• Uti­liz­ing our par­ent­ing sched­ule tem­plates or cus­tomiz­ing your own makes sched­ule shar­ing easy.
• View par­ent­ing time per­cent­ages or your planned v. ac­tu­al par­ent­ing time us­ing our built-in par­ent­ing sched­ule sta­tistics track­er.
• Quick­ly send a pick-up, drop off, or swap days re­quest when the un­ex­pect­ed hap­pens.
• . Check-in. With this exclusively private and non-trackable feature, you can now keep accurate records of when you arrive or depart any location, such as picking up or dropping off kids at exchanges or anywhere else for that matter.
• Track ex­pens­es by cat­e­go­ry and scan and or­ga­nize re­ceipts eas­i­ly.
• Sub­mit re­im­burse­ment re­quests through our ex­pense track­er and keep records of any re­spons­es from the re­cip­i­ent (ap­proved, de­clined, or paid).
• Send and re­ceive mon­ey for re­im­burse­ment oblig­a­tions via ipay­ou®, our built-in pay­ment so­lu­tion.
• Cal­en­dar notes!

Ex­port­ing Records

With Ap­p­Close, ex­port­ing records is sim­ple and FREE! Whether you need records for per­son­al use or for lit­i­ga­tion pur­pos­es, you can eas­i­ly ex­port the fol­low­ing records as need­ed:

• Un­al­tered text mes­sages (on-on-one or group chat mes­sages)
• Ex­pense records
• Re­im­burse­ment re­quest and re­sponse records
• Pick up, drop off, or swap days re­quest and re­sponse records
• Ap­p­Close Solo re­quests and events

What is Ap­p­Close Solo?

Ap­p­Close Solo is a unique and ex­clu­sive fea­ture only avail­able to Ap­p­Close users, al­low­ing you to send re­quests and events to non-con­nect­ed co-par­ents, third par­ties, or oth­er fam­i­ly mem­bers via text, email, or so­cial me­dia. You can even at­tach re­ceipts or doc­u­ments and ex­port and print any records you might need for FREE with con­tin­ued ac­cess to all of the oth­er ben­e­fits of Ap­p­Close.

We owe our safety to the brave men and women who serve in our military. AppClose can provide military families with a way to stay connected, share information and keep everyone involved without the burden of another expense.


Thank you for using AppClose. We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you.

Today's update includes: Bug fixes and performance improvements to help us serve you better.

Please update your App to make sure you have the current version of AppClose.

If you discover a bug or error, please be kind and let us know at [email protected]. Our innovative and hardworking IT team is standing by to fix any issues right away.


40 comentarios en "AppClose – co-parenting app MODDED 2022"

  1. Sarah K dice:

    Gets the job done. So far, we’ve had a pretty easy time with it. I think i have 3 things that would make it better. I wish when i add events to a shared calendar that the event would default to share. I wish there was an easier place to add shared contacts. Lastly, and this is probably the biggest… If i have the reminder in the calendar set for the day before an event, when i tap the push notification, it says the event is happening today, instead of tomorrow. It’s made me panic a couple times

  2. I like the app, especially that it’s free and your Google calendars can sync up. The problem is that if you don’t have a parenting schedule that matches one of the ones provided, it’s really hard to set it up. I still haven’t been able to get our parenting schedule set up, and I’ve even contacted the app, but they didn’t stay in touch with me beyond the first email. It would be helpful to also have a web version.

  3. I’ve been using this app for probably 8 months now and its definitely not been a terrible app but there are definitely some changes needed. Most importantly is navigating through the app. Having a spot right on the homepage for schedule/scheduling I think would make a world of difference along with things like an expense tab and maybe a tab users can customize to their needs. Definitely good for a free app, I’d purchase a “premium” version if we saw a lot of the same complaints fixed beforehand.

  4. *Response to Devs, Ihad to roll back to the previous version as .434 didn’t load at all. App is extremely temperamental, notifications sometimes work despite having the app set to run in the background and without battery optimization. In very many instances, you don’t know you have a message until you open the app. Additionally messages sometimes won’t open in the app and it requires you to close the app and re-open it. My ex has an iPhone and has the same issues I do with android. Emailed dev

  5. Great app for scheduling. I like the feature showing the custody hours per parent as well as the new video calling feature. Note that you cannot video call if a third party is added to the conversation. I think the third party feature should be discontinued as multiple third party usually only need a report. Having the third party added is not productive. better to just schedule an appt with the third party in things are going as planned.

  6. App sucks. Doesn’t update messages unless I actually open it. I get literally zero notifications even though everything is turned on to get them. I’ve tried restarting phone, re-installing… nothing fixes it. 👎🏼 UPDATE: After a few days the app magically worked. Still has random issues and glitches. Funny they say they have no other reports of issues, yet their reviews are filled with the same complaints over and over 🤷🏻‍♂️

  7. Decent enough. Love that messages can’t be deleted and that read receipts are there. Unfortunately the app drops the ball frequently when it comes to delivering messages. Often times messages don’t get delivered or show up a day later. When trying to communicate this can be a huge problem and create unnecessary strain on problematic relationships already.

  8. Has worked well so far except one issue with the latest update. for some reason it won’t link each parent to the child so I can no longer add parenting time to the schedule because it just keeps saying “no child added” even though both parents and child are linked and connected. frustrating since this is how I keep track of the times OP actually shows up or not. *UPDATE* I knocked down another star because I’ve been trying to work with tech sup. to fix issue and they can’t seem to figure it out

  9. This app was recently updated, since the update, you can no longer see when the recipient received the message and when they read the message, which is something I used constantly as I’m battling abuse from my former spouse. It no longer gives notifications when a message is received. You have to open the message thread to find you have a message. Also, you can not search keywords within the message thread. This is the same thing every other one star review says.

  10. S Andrew dice:

    Great free app. Way better than family wizard or other expensive options. A little clunky on calendar integration and sharing with co-parent. It would be nice to have a saved default for creating an event where it automatically selects kid parent to share with so you’re not clicking every single time for every single step.

  11. Great that has all features in one app – undeleteable texts, video calls, expense track, calendar. Only issue is the calendar (what we primarily use it for). You cant edit an individual day in a recurring event. days set up reoccuring each wk but occasionally have a Monday off. Prvsly we used TimeTree app (no text/call so court order switched) TT calendar was WAY better, could color code each kids events & showed up as text in mnthly summary, here just dots have to hover ovr to read

  12. Nick B dice:

    If I didn’t have to use this app I wouldn’t. Updates are sketch. Notifications are delayed hours. Yes it’s updated. Pictures fail to send. It’s not the worst but far from the best. I would suggest figuring out the Notifications issue especially for Android users. 3.0.434

  13. This app doesn’t notify me when messages are being sent to me. The notifications happen after I open the app. I go to settings and there are no options to change the notification or to turn it up or to just plain ole recieve notifications when app isn’t in use. You only get notified if they app is open. This app is going to get someone child taken away.

  14. It is ok. I find it a challenge to figure out how to set everything up, mostly the kids schedules and changes. It is hard to delete an ongoing schedule and hard to edit it. There is a delay in messages at times and not all my messages send which has caused big communication issues in an ready temperamental situation. The concept is good, overall I do not like using the app though.

  15. Looks good but doesn’t work. Too many glitches. Using it for communication but it won’t send /receive messages reliably. We only used it a few weeks, didn’t get to calendar, etc Specifics: I get a notification that I have a new message but when I click on the notification nothing happens. I open the app but the new message doesn’t show. I have to navigate out of the conversation, go back in, scroll down. A few messages would not send or took several hours. Same for co-parent.

  16. This looks like a very handy app but fails to deliver. It is full of calendar glitches, for example: every other weekend showed up as Sunday through Thursday for odd dates that did not correspond to the schedule that I input. I messed with the options for longer than I care to admit and was not able to get it to make a correct calendar. I didn’t even get to the other options, though I had really hoped that the visitation swap option would work for us.

  17. Truley too early to write meaningful review. Only used it for about a week without having the need to use and experience all features. However, at this point…. Nice app, but wish it would write to Google calendar. Also not a truly intuitive app. Design could use some adjustments. Also it does not alert you to any texting from the ex-spouse if the app is closed. Overall a 8 out of 10. Not writing into Google calendar is my greatest frustration considering I live off my calendar for business

  18. For a free app I guess it is hard to complain. However here is my take. Some of the functions are not very intuitive and hard to find. Also. I have been using the notes portion of the app like a journal. When I tried to print the extensive notes I had taken there was no option to download them. There is motion for expenses and other item all listed on the same level as the notes but you cant download notes. This is a no go for many that want to keep everything in one app so crosscheck is easy.

  19. Been using it for months and all of the sudden it started saying “no internet connection” which I knew was not correct. I uninstalled and attempted to reinstall but now when I get to the add phone number to receive a verification link I also get the “no internet connection”. Now I’ve lost months of communication between my ex and I that would’ve been helpful in my up coming court. I would not recommend this app, it was a total waste of time.

  20. The messaging feature does not work. I sent pictures and emails back and forth with customer service and they responded a few times, then just stopped responding. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, disconnected from him and reconnected, and it’s still not working… which has caused further issues with the ex. Just wish it would’ve been resolved instead of given up on and ignored.

  21. Changing from 3 to 4 stars. Very helpful app, but the seach UI needs improvement. The search bar above the chats doesn’t actually search the chats. To search a chat you need to – select the chat – tap the bubbles – press the “export” button (maybe rename that to “search/export” so people know?) – select a date range – press OK – and THEN a search bar for the actual chat appears. I had to email support to figure it out. Besides, I’m enjoying the app and would recommend it to other families.

  22. It’s Free – I’ll stick with it. But it’s not the most user friendly and doesn’t have much in the way of instructions.. I would love to see a ‘Search’ features in the chat section. Also, there is nothing that shows whether or not you have shared something with a co-parent and confirms whether or not they’ve seen it/accepted it. I think this would be an invaluable feature. Additionally, the child profile sections could be a little more user-friendly. Once you have more than one ‘note’ in a section, you can’t always scroll to the next or last note. UPDATE: so it appears that you can search but you have to act like you want to export the chats first. It was not user-friendly and there are no directions. The developer stated you can see confirmations if sent requests but tha is not what I was referring to. I believe that we should see confirmation of everything that is sent to and received by the co-parent so that we have a record of what notes, medical items, etc were shared and received so there is not question of what items were shared/received and when.

  23. I added dance lessons to the calendar. I removed a contact I no longer need. The app timed out. I can’t get it to open properly now. I’ve restarted my phone. I’ve exited and tried to enter the app several times with no luck. I tried to see if I needed to download something from the app store, no update available. The app is now unusable.

  24. Missing MANY of the iPhone features. Only shows dots on the calendar if you have an event that day. iPhone version has a line spanning across the days and ends roughly around the time you set. Example: if your possession “event” ends at 9am, the line does not take up the full day in the calendar. Also unable to make recurring 1st 3rd and 5th weekends on Android version. It’s there in iPhone version.

  25. This is a great app. Has worked great this whole time. Keeps things very organized and easy to use. I would like to be able to print or download the calendars and all events that are added to the calendars because right now the app does not have an option for that. I also wish that you were able to download or print the information you add to the children’s profiles and it would have the date and time stamps on it like everything else in the app. Other thus App is amazing.

  26. There’s a huge delay in messages and the timing is off and so is the order of messages. which is a big deal when it comes to documentation, and court purposes. Even with the app updating it’s still terrible. Our messages aren’t going through, we constantly have to check our messages. Super annoying app that I’m stuck with.

  27. App works ok so far. Have only been testing for myself; haven’t invited my competent to use it yet. Would be nice if I could copy expenses or setup recurring expenses. For example, we have weekly childcare & monthly insurance exp. I have to enter each manually. If there are changes, I’d rather just go to that week or month and make the change, or stop the recurring expense and create a new one with the new amount. Similar to what you’d do in a calendar app with recurrent appointments/meetings.

  28. I like the concept of app but it still is lacking. Also trying to figure out the what’s new section since I cannot find anywhere all the events and info I’ve shared with my ex husband to prove that I shared them. Some things that need improving: mentioned above along w/ More word space in the “memos” sections. The calendar=awful. Be better if they made it more like Android or apple calendar where the activities of the day list under the date w/out having to click & color code each person/activity

  29. Super overcomplicated and obviously data farming. App doesnt give you the option to use its basic features without creating detailed profiles of each user and family member on top of requiring a very detailed description of the ways you wish to use the app. There’s some red flags there. Every step I took felt like I was being funneled through a survey, or like they were trying to fit me into a mold, rather than me fitting the app to my needs. I gave 2 stars because the app looks great.

  30. Lots of issues. Home screen has capability to show only events and expenses that other parent shared with me which in my case will never happen as I am the event and expense keeper. Should have capability to show all, my private, my shared or his shared events. App created double event and double expense – I went to delete the duplicate and it deleted both duplicate and original – have to re-enter it now. App is very slow going from one screen to another and saving entries. Has lots of potential and I would be willing to pay if bugs and practicality issues were fixed.

  31. I enjoy all the different features of the app like the messaging feature that shows when messages are seeb and the messages have been accessed last, the calendar feature where you can share events and reminders, a feature to request pick ups and drop offs, and a place to fill out information about the kids you can share with the other parent. It has come in handy for court. And best of all, it’s free.

  32. The way it exports the conversations into an easy to read dealy is wonderful. You guys did a good thing, and tech support got back to me right away when i had questions, and explained them in an easy-for-me to understand manner. I am not very tech savvy, so I had a little difficulty getting started, and was unclear on when it needed to be updated,, but seems to be working just fine now

  33. This looks like the perfect app I can recommend to my clients, too bad it wont work on phone (Samsung8) so i can demo it 🙁 App will install, but get the run around with verification… phone verification doesn’t work right now, please use email. Email takes me to a website that all it wants me to do is download the app. I already downloaded the app… I was supposed to be verifying something… I tried reinstalling but looped back to please verify. Getting the run-around and still the app wont launch, I’ll have to move on… what a shame.

  34. Overall Good…One annoying feature is when you select a date on the calendar view and then add an event the date defaults to today’s date vs the date you were just viewing. Overall seems like a great app to help with this recent life change though. Really like the summary view and the calendar view, just fix this one small thing and I will be a 5 start user.

  35. I really like the app. It works great. I only wish that we could make phone calls thru this app or even video chat so that was recorded as well. Not just texts. And for some reason I don’t always get notifications from the app either.. So I have to make sure it’s checked daily or I might miss a message.

  36. Majed J dice:

    After Oct 2nd It does not show messages are being delivered. My ex sends messages over. I reply she says she doesn’t get them when asked in court. I even left a voicemail for support to contact me with my email and nothing. It’s been 2 months I have not received pictures or can’t reply to messages because of this app. Maybe someone can help fix this.

  37. Absolutely pointless. Refuses to open most of the time. If I could not have to use this app Id steer clear if it. The experience is clunky and does not work as intended. Trying to log when a contact is picked up is painful and ends in crashes. I haven’t been able to open the app in over a week. Diabolical.

  38. M K dice:

    Wish I could have a meeting with the developers to improve functionality and accessibility 💁 Once System Calendars have been synced there is not an option to share or merge. Requests for drop-off/pick-up are confusing because one can only select co-parent as an option and not “Self”. Would like for there to be a step-by-step guide to easing into reimbursements and what that conversation can look like without the funds/access to legal aid on the matter. Updates should be in a drop down menu

  39. Mell o dice:

    This app has huge potential but I can’t delete/edit entries that have been made in error or cancelled (and now irrelevant). If you could at least archive or ‘trash’ entries that would be great. I totally get the need for records (not deleting anything) but there’s still the need for removing errors or cancelled events so they don’t ‘messy’ the rest of the records. Maybe a ‘Log’ tab could record all entries and deletions but there’s a need to remove entries sometimes.

  40. Unable to even create an account. It’s stuck in an infinite loop. Input email, hit go to email button, open email, click link, sent back to submit email. Rinse and repeat. 2 different emails. Same issue. Support told me to input in url in browser. It takes me to a page that tells me to download app on my other devices. Annoyed is an understatement.

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